Source code for extools.ui

    from accpac import UI, Finder, ui_command, OpenFileDialog
except ImportError:
    UI = object
    Finder = object

[docs]class ExUI(UI): """An enhanced UI class for extender. ``ExUI`` adds additional helpers to the standard Extender UI class. """ # Custom control constants BUTTON_WIDTH = 1065 BUTTON_SPACE = 150 # Button Types FINDER_BUTTON_TYPE = 4 FILE_DIALOG_FILTERS = { "excel": ("Microsoft Excel File (*.xls, *.xlsx)" "|*.xls*|All Files (*.*)|*.*",) } def __init__(self, title="exui"): super().__init__() self.title = title
[docs] def finder_on_click_for(self, view, ok_callback, cancel_callback, _filter="", display_fields="1", return_fields="1"): """Build a callback to execute on finder button click. :param view: The view name (either custom or built in) to find across. :type view: str :param ok_callback: Callback to execute on user OK :type ok_callback: func :param cancel_callback: Callback to execute on user cancel :type cancel_callback: func :param _filter: Filter to apply to finder records. :type _filter: str :param display_fields: fields to display in finder :type display_fields: str (comma separated indexes) :param return_fields: fields to display in finder :type return_fields: str (comma separated indexes) :returns: finder_on_click callback function """ def finder_on_click(btnType): """On finder button click, open finder modal.""" if btnType == self.FINDER_BUTTON_TYPE: finder = Finder() finder.viewID = view finder.onOK = ok_callback finder.onCancel = cancel_callback finder.filter = _filter finder.displayFields = display_fields finder.returnFields = return_fields return finder_on_click
[docs] def input_with_button(self, caption, callback, default="", label="Button"): """Create a compound field with an input field and a button:: +-------------------------+ +----------+ caption | <input field> | | <button> | +-------------------------+ +----------+ :param caption: input field caption :type caption: str :param callback: callback function for the button :type callback: function :param default: default value for the input field :type default: str :param label: label for the button :type label: str :returns: (input_field, button) :rtype: (accpac.UIField, accpac.UIButton) To create a file browse input and button: .. code-block:: python file_path_fld, file_browse_btn = self.input_with_button( "File", self.on_browse_click, label="Browse") """ # Create labeled text input field _id = caption.title().replace(" ", "") f = self.addUIField("fileField" + _id) f.controlType = "EDIT" f.size = 250 f.width = 5000 f.labelWidth = 60 f.caption = caption f.hasFinder = False if default: f.setValue(default) # Add the browse button. bb = self.addButton("btn{}".format(_id), label) = bb.width = self.BUTTON_WIDTH bb.left = f.left + f.width + self.BUTTON_SPACE bb.onClick = callback f.btn = bb return (f, bb)
[docs] def get_browse_click_callback(self, field, title="Select File", _filter=""): """Create the browse button callback in a closure to pass the field.""" def onBrowseClickCallback(): dialog = OpenFileDialog() dialog.title = title dialog.filter = _filter dialog.onOK = self.get_file_ok_callback(field) return onBrowseClickCallback
[docs] def get_file_ok_callback(self, field): """Create the File OK callback in a closure to pass the field.""" def onFileOkCallback(value): field.setValue(value) ui_command("return", "4") return onFileOkCallback