Source code for extools.view

ExView is a fully functional wrapper around the Extender View object
that raises exceptions instead of providing non-zero returns on error
for the methods defined in :py:data:`extools.view.ExView.WRAP`.

It supports all the methods of the ``Extender.View`` class, along with many
extra helpers.

On startup an ``ExView`` introspects the underlying Sage view to automatically

- The view's composition tree
- The field names
- The allowed indexes and their key fields

Based on this information, the class automatically configures itself to:

- Self-compose on request (see :py:meth:`extools.view.ExView.compose`)
- Validate orders and keys before errors are raised by Sage
- Automatically add the correct helpers
    - For detail views, the ``.lines()``, ``.lines_from(start, end)``,
      ``.lines_where(key=value, key=value, ...)`` generators and ``newline()``
    - For optional field views, or any view composed with an optional
      field view, enable the ``create_optfield``, ``update_optfield``,
      ``get_optfield``, ``update_or_create_optfield``, ``seek_to_optfield``,
      and ``delete_optfield`` helpers.


    from accpac import *
except ImportError as e:
    # This happens when the tools are imported outside of the Extender env.
    # We can pass to let the tool do its work (likely sphinx making docs).

from contextlib import contextmanager

from extools import success
from extools.message import logger_for_module

from import VIEW_INFO_MAP
from extools.view.errors import (ExViewError, ExViewComposeError,
                     ExViewOpenError, ExViewInvalidOrder,
                     ExViewFieldDoesNotExist, ExViewRecordDoesNotExist,
                     ExViewIndexError, )

from datetime import datetime

"""Views that can never be composed with any other."""

FIELD_DESC_BLACKLIST = {'Reserved', '', None, }

STRFTIME = "%d/%m/%Y"
STRPTIME = "%Y%m%d"

def notme(function):
    def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._me:
            raise ExViewError("{} cannot be used with _me".format(function))
        return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return func_wrapper

[docs]@contextmanager def exview(rotoid, index=-1, seek_to={}, fetch=True, compose=False): """Context manager to cleanly open and use an ExView. :param rotoid: the RotoID of the Sage view. :type rotoid: str :param index: the index to open the view with. :type index: int :param seek_to: field value mapping to seek to after opening. When set to an empty dictionary, seek to the first line in the view. If set to ``None``, disable seek after opening. :type seek_to: dict|None :param fetch: automatically fetch the first matched record? :type fetch: bool :param compose: automatically compose before seeking? :type compose: bool :raises: ExViewError :rtype: None When called the context manager will yield an open view object. On exit of the block the view will be closed cleanly. .. code-block:: python with exview("EX0001") as view: try: view.recordClear() view.browse("") view.fetch() value = view.get("KEY") except ExViewError as err: showMessageBox("Failed to get KEY, {}.".format(err)) """ exv = ExView(rotoid, index) try: if compose: exv.compose() if seek_to: exv.seek_to(**seek_to, fetch=fetch) elif fetch: exv.fetch() yield exv finally: exv.close()
[docs]def exgen(rotoid, index=-1, seek_to={}): """Generator for iterating over all the entries in a view. :param rotoid: the RotoID of the Sage view. :type rotoid: str :param index: the index to open the view with. :type index: int :param seek_to: field value mapping to seek to after opening. When set to an empty dictionary, seek to the first line in the view. If set to ``None``, disable seek after opening. :type seek_to: dict|None :raises: ExViewError :rtype: None When called, the generator will seek the view to the requested records, or the first record if ``seek_to`` is empty. It will then yield all matching rows and then cleanly close the view. .. code-block:: python for record in exgen("EX0001"): try: record.get("FIELD") except ExViewError as err: showMessageBox("Failed to get FIELD, {}.".format(err)) """ with exview(rotoid, index, seek_to, fetch=False) as exv: try: while exv.fetch(): yield exv except ExViewRecordDoesNotExist: pass
[docs]class ExView(): """An exception raising wrapper around the Extender View class. ExViews can be used to replace repetitive error checking and to take advantage of the try/except/else/finally construct in Python. :param rotoid: the RotoID of the Sage view. :type rotoid: str. :param index: the index to open the view with. :type index: int. :param seek_to: field value mapping to seek to after opening. When set to an empty dictionary, seek to the first line in the view. If set to ``None``, disable seek after opening. :type seek_to: dict|None :raises: ExViewError :rtype: ExView Replace this: .. code-block:: python view = openView("EX0001") if not view: showMessageBox("Failed to open view.") return 1 rc = view.recordClear() if rc != 0: showMessageBox("Failed to record clear.") return 1 br = view.browse("") if br != 0: showMessageBox("Failed to browse.") return 1 fe = view.fetch() if fe != 0: showMessageBox("Failed to fetch.") return 1 value = view.get("KEY") if view: view.close() With this: .. code-block:: python try: view = ExView("EX0001") value = view.get("KEY") except ExViewError as err: showMessageBox("Failed to get KEY, {}.".format(err)) return 1 finally: view.close() You can even include the traceback using the ExMessages: .. code-block:: python try: view = ExView("EX0001") value = view.get("KEY") except ExViewError as err: # Use ExMessages to display an error level message box and # log to a file (if configured). The last exception traceback # will be included in both the box and log if ``exc_info=True``. exm.error("Failed to get KEY, {}.".format(err), exc_info=True) return 1 finally: view.close() ExViews can also self-compose, composing the view and all its related views automatically. Fully composed views require more database operations every time the header is changed and do not perform as well as standalone views or SQL access. However, in cases where performance isn't paramount you cannot beat the convenience. .. code-block:: python from extools import success from extools.view import ExView from extools.message import ExMessages exm = ExMessages("compose-test", ExMessages.DEBUG) try: exv = ExView("OE0520") exv.compose() except Exception as e: exm.error("Failed to setup view: {}".format(e), exc_info=True) # Seek to order ORD000000000064 try: # Use index 1, key (ORDNUMBER, ) exv.order(1) exv.seek_to(ORDNUMBER="ORD000000000064") except Exception as e: exm.error("Failed to seek: {}".format(e), exc_info=True) # Perform an action on each of the detail lines in the order try: for line in exv.oe0500.lines():"Read new line {}".format(line.get("ITEM"))) # perform many important actions... except Exception as e: exm.error("Failed to perform action: {}".format(e), exc_info=True) """ WRAP = [ 'fetchLock', 'readLock', 'insert', 'delete', 'init', 'post', 'process', 'verify', 'recordClear', 'dirty', 'unlock', 'cancel', 'recordGenerate', 'put', 'browse', ] """These View functions raise an ``ExViewError`` on non-zero return.""" DETAIL_VIEW_HINTS = {'LINENUM', 'DETAILNUM', 'CNTENTR', 'ENTRY', } """Views containing any one of these fields may be detail views.""" OPTFIELD_VIEW_HINTS = {'OPTFIELD', } """Views containing any one of these fields may be optional field views.""" __exview_cache = {} """The view cache is shared by all instances of a class. Views can only be opened once per index, to avoid opening views twice on compose, cache them here. format: { index: { viewid: view } } """ ATTR_A = 0x002 ATTR_EDITABLE = 0x004 ATTR_KEY = 0x008 ATTR_COMPUTED = 0x010 ATTR_P = 0x020 ATTR_R = 0x030 ATTR_X = 0x040 ATTRS = { "A": ATTR_A, "E": ATTR_EDITABLE, "K": ATTR_KEY, "C": ATTR_COMPUTED, "P": ATTR_P, "R": ATTR_R, "X": ATTR_X, } def __init__(self, rotoid, index=-1, seek_to={}, native_types=False, fetch=True, _root=True, _me=None, _cviews=[]): """Introspect and setup the object based on the results.""" self.rotoid = rotoid self.index = index self._view = None self.log = logger_for_module('extools.view', key="{}[{}]".format( self.rotoid, self.index)) self.log.debug("opening view {} [{}]".format(rotoid, index)) self.protocol = "FLAT" self.table = "" self.view_desc = "" if "." in self.rotoid: self.table = self.rotoid.split(".")[-1] else: if not self.rotoid in VIEW_INFO_MAP: self.log.warn("rotoid {} not in view info map") else: info = VIEW_INFO_MAP[self.rotoid] self.protocol = info.get("protocol", "FLAT") self.table = info.get("name", "") self.view_desc = info.get("desc", "") # Is this a root view or opened on compose? self._root = _root # Is this a `me` view? self._me = _me # list of view rotoids this view composes with self._views = [] # pointers to the views this view composes with in the view_cache self._cviews = [] # convert formats (date/time) to native py formats? self.native_types = native_types # The current view order index. self._order = 0 # The human readable field names in the view. self.field_names = [] # Dictionary of field names to their objects. self.fields = {} # The indexes supported by this view, a list of field name tuples. self.indexes = [] self.detail_view = None self.optfield_view = None # Open the underlying View if not self._me: self._open() self._get_composed_views() else: self._view = self._me if _cviews: self.compose_from(_cviews) # Wrap the view to raise on error instead of returning non-zero self._setup_wrapper() ## Introspection stuff # Get the field names self._get_field_names() # the indexes self._get_indexes() # If this looks like a detail view, then add extra detail functions. self._check_and_setup_detail_view() # If this looks like an optional field view, then add extra functions. self._check_and_setup_optfield_view() # Open the first record. if seek_to and isinstance(seek_to, dict): self.seek_to(fetch=fetch, **seek_to) self.log.debug("opened.")
[docs] @classmethod def from_me(cls, _me): return ExView(_me.rotoid, _me=me)
[docs] @classmethod def table_name(cls, rotoid): # If rotoid is dotted, the table name is the last entry. if "." in rotoid: return rotoid.split('.')[-1] # Try the map first, it is already in memory if rotoid in VIEW_INFO_MAP: return VIEW_INFO_MAP[rotoid]['name'] # Fall back to the table, which may or may not be populated. try: with exview("VI0005", seek_to={"VIEWID": rotoid}) as view: return except ExViewError as e: pass # fail return ""
[docs] @notme def cached_view(self, viewid): """Get a view from the view cache. :param viewid: the view ID, i.e. OE0500 :type viewid: str :raises: ExViewError """ view = self._view_cache.get(viewid) created = False if not view: view = ExView(viewid, self.index, _root=False) self._view_cache[viewid] = view created = True return view, created
[docs] @notme def remove_cached_view(self, viewid): """Remove and close a view from the cache. :param viewid: the view ID, i.e. OE0500 :type viewid: str :raises: ExViewError """ # We remove ourself from the cache in close only. if viewid == self.rotoid: raise ExViewError(self.rotoid, action="remove_cache") view = self._view_cache.get(viewid) if view: view.close() try: del self._view_cache[viewid] except KeyError: pass
@property def _view_cache(self): """Get the views cached for this index.""" cache_for_index = self.__exview_cache.get(self.index, {}) if not cache_for_index: self.__exview_cache[self.index] = cache_for_index return self.__exview_cache[self.index] def _check_and_setup_detail_view(self): """Check if this or a composed view is a detail view. :returns: True if self is or is composed with a detail view. :rtype: bool """ for view in self._cviews: if view and self.DETAIL_VIEW_HINTS.intersection( view.field_names): self.detail_view = view break if not self.detail_view: if self.DETAIL_VIEW_HINTS.intersection(self.field_names): self.detail_view = self if self.detail_view: self.log.debug("identified detail view {}".format( self.detail_view.rotoid)) self._detail_func_factory(self.detail_view) return True return False def _check_and_setup_optfield_view(self): """Check if this or a composed view is an optional field view. :returns: True if self is or is composed with an optional field view. :rtype: bool """ if self.OPTFIELD_VIEW_HINTS.intersection(self.field_names): self.optfield_view = self else: for view in self._cviews: if view and self.OPTFIELD_VIEW_HINTS.intersection( view.field_names): self.optfield_view = view break if self.optfield_view: self.log.debug("identified optfield view {}".format( self.optfield_view.rotoid)) self._optf_func_factory(self.optfield_view) return True return False @notme def _open(self): """Open the underlying view object. Called automatically on init. :raises: ExViewOpenError :rtype: None """ if self._view: _c = self._view.close() self._view = View(self.rotoid, self.index) if not self._view: raise ExViewOpenError(self.rotoid, action_return=self._view) o = self._view.order(self._order) if not success(o): raise ExViewInvalidOrder(self.rotoid, order=self.order, action_return=o) self._view_cache[self.rotoid] = self return True def _get_field_names(self): """Get the field names from their positions in the view.""" for i in range(0, self._view.fields()): field = self._view.fieldByPosition(i) if field: self.field_names.append( self.fields[] = field def _get_field_type(self, field): f = self.fields[field] return f.type def _get_indexes(self): """Get the indexes and their constituent fields.""" for i in range(0, self._view.keyCount()): k = self._view.key(i) names = [self._view.fieldByIndex(j).name for j in k.fields] self.indexes.insert(i, names) def _get_composed_views(self): """Get the composed view list.""" self._views = self._composed_views() def _get_index_for_fields(self, fields): sfields = set(fields) for i in range(0, len(self.indexes)): if sfields == set(self.indexes[i]): return i def _setup_wrapper(self): """Setup a wrapper function for all calls that should raise. Called on init, dynamically assign wrapper methods on the ``ExView`` instance that raise when the underlying View returns a non-zero value. Cannot be used to wrap methods: that don't return 0 on success (looking at you, ``.get()``); for which a non-zero return may be expected (think ``while(view.fetch() == 0))``); that interact with the ExView instance state (we need to track the ``order``). """ for funcname in self.WRAP: func = self._wrap_func_factory(funcname) setattr(self, funcname, func) def _wrap_func_factory(self, funcname): """Get a function that raises ExViewError on non-zero View return. :param funcname: name of the View function to wrap. :type funcname: str :returns: wrapper around ``self._view.<funcname>`` :rtype: function """ def func(*args, **kwargs): fu = getattr(self._view, funcname) r = fu(*args, **kwargs) self.log.debug("{}({}, {}): {}".format(funcname, args, kwargs, r)) if not success(r): raise ExViewError(self.rotoid, action=funcname, action_return=r, fargs=args, fkwargs=kwargs) return r return func def _composed_views(self): """Get a list of all views that can be composed with this one. This method automatically filters out views that do not support composition defined in ``EXVIEW_BLACKLIST``. :returns: view ids or None in the compose order. :rtype: list """ return [rotoid if not rotoid in EXVIEW_BLACKLIST else None for rotoid in self._view.composeInfo().views] def _optf_func_factory(self, optfield_view): """Adds methods to the instance for working with optional fields. :param optfield_view: The Optional field ExView instance. :type optfield_view: ExView :rtype: None """ self.optfield_view = optfield_view def create_optfield(field, value): self.optfield_view.recordClear() self.optfield_view.recordGenerate() self.optfield_view.put("OPTFIELD", field) self.optfield_view.put("VALUE", value) self.optfield_view.insert() self.create_optfield = create_optfield def update_optfield(field, value): self.seek_to_optfield(field) self.optfield_view.put("VALUE", value) self.optfield_view.update() self.update_optfield = update_optfield def delete_optfield(field): self.seek_to_optfield(field) self.optfield_view.delete() self.delete_optfield = delete_optfield def get_optfield(field): self.seek_to_optfield(field) return self.optfield_view.get("VALUE") self.get_optfield = get_optfield def seek_to_optfield(field): self.optfield_view.recordClear() self.optfield_view.put("OPTFIELD", field) self.seek_to_optfield = seek_to_optfield def update_or_create_optfield(field, value): try: self.get_optfield(field) except ExViewError: self.create_optfield(field, value) else: self.update_optfield(field, value) self.update_or_create_optfield = update_or_create_optfield def has_optfield(field): try: self.get_optfield(field) return True except ExViewError: return False self.has_optfield = has_optfield def all_optfields(): self.optfield_view.browse("",1) while self.optfield_view.fetch(): yield self.optfield_view self.all_optfields = all_optfields @property def optfields(): return { optf.get("OPTFIELD"): optf.get('VALUE') for optf in self.all_optfields()} self.optfields = optfields def _detail_func_factory(self, view): """Adds methods to the instance for working with detail views.""" def lines(): """Generator that yields each line in a detail view.""" view.recordClear() view.browse("", 1) while(view.fetch()): yield view self.lines = lines def lines_from(start, end=None): """Generator that yields each line from index start to end. :param start: (int) line index to start from. :param end: (int) line index to end on (inclusive). :yields: (ExView) detail view on line. """ index = 0 for line in self.lines(): if start <= index: if end and end >= index: yield line index += 1 self.lines_from = lines_from def lines_where(**criteria): """Generator that yields each line from index start to end. :param criteria: ``key=value`` criteria to browse to. :type criteria: dict :yields: ExView :raises: ExViewError """ view.recordClear() view.browse(" AND ".join(['{} = "{}"'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in criteria.items()])) while(view.fetch()): yield view self.lines_where = lines_where
[docs] def all(self, ascending=True): """Generator that yields once for each record in the view. :raises: ExViewError :yields: ExView """ self.recordClear() self.browse("", ascending) while(self.fetch()): yield self
[docs] def where(self, **criteria): """Get an ExQuery to retrieve records with the given criteria. :param criteria: ``field=value`` criteria to browse to. :type critera: dict :returns: ExQuery :raises: ExViewError """ from extools.view.query import ExQuery self.log.debug("where({})".format(criteria)) return ExQuery(self.rotoid, _parent_keys=self.parent_key(), **criteria)
[docs] def current_key(self): """Get the current unique key identifying the view record. :returns: {field: value, field: value...} """ kvs = {} if self.indexes: for field in self.indexes[0]: kvs[field] = self._view.get(field) # self.log.debug("current_key(): {}".format(kvs)) return kvs
[docs] def parent_key(self): """Get the current unique key identifying the view record's parent. Only relevant for detail views, return the key components before the last one. The views, as classified by Sage, may either be header, detail, flat or batch. Both detail, and headers with composite keys, may be enumerated. :returns: {field: value, field: value...} """ kvs = {} self.log.debug("deriving parent key for {} ({}) {}".format( self.rotoid, self.protocol, self.to_dict())) if self.protocol in ["DETAIL", "HEADER", ]: if self.indexes: if len(self.indexes[0]) > 1: for field in self.indexes[0][:-1]: kvs[field] = self._view.get(field) return kvs
[docs] def create(self, **fields): """Generate and insert a new entry with field/value pairs. :param fields: field value pairs that will be set on the new entry. :type fields: field=value :rtype: None :raises: ExViewError """ if self.indexes: key_vals = ["{}={}".format(f, fields.get(f, "")) for f in self.indexes[0]] else: key_vals = ["{}={}".format(f, fields[f]) for f in fields] self.log.debug("creating {}".format(", ".join(key_vals))) self.recordClear() self.recordGenerate() for (field, value) in fields.items(): self.put(field, value) self.insert()
[docs] def update(self, **fields): """Update an entry with field/value pairs. :param kwargs: field value pairs that will be set on the new entry. :type kwargs: field=value :rtype: None :raises: ExViewError """ if self.indexes: key_vals = ["{}={}".format(f, fields.get(f, "")) for f in self.indexes[0]] else: key_vals = ["{}={}".format(f, fields[f]) for f in fields] self.log.debug("updating {} with {}".format( ", ".join(key_vals), ", ".join(["{}={}".format(k,v) for k,v in fields.items()]))) for (field, value) in fields.items(): self.put(field, value) up = self._view.update() if not success(up): raise ExViewError(self.rotoid, action="update", action_return=up)
[docs] def fetch(self): """A special wrapper because a non-zero fetch return isn't an error. :returns: True if a new line was fetched, else False. :rtype: bool """ f = self._view.fetch() self.log.debug("fetch(): {} [{}]".format( success(f), self.current_key())) return success(f)
[docs] def read(self): """A special wrapper to raise ExViewRecordDoesNotExist. :raises: ExViewRecordDoesNotExist """ r = self.log.debug("read(): {} [{}]".format(r, self.current_key())) if not success(r): raise ExViewRecordDoesNotExist(self.rotoid, action='read')
[docs] def get(self, field, _type=-1, size=-1, precision=-1, verify=True): """A special wrapper because get doesn't return 0 on success. :param field: field name to get. :type field: str :param verify: verify that the field is listed in the view fields? :type: bool :returns: value in the view. :rtype: builtin.* :raises: ExViewFieldDoesNotExist """ if verify and not field in self.field_names: raise ExViewFieldDoesNotExist(self.rotoid, field=field, action="get") val = self._view.get(field, _type, size, precision) if self.native_types and field in self.field_names: if self.fields[field].type == FT_DATE: val = datetime.strptime(str(int(val)), "%Y%m%d") elif self.fields[field].type == FT_TIME: val = datetime.strptime(str(int(val)).zfill(8)[:6], "%H%M%S") self.log.debug("get({}, {}, {}, {}, {}): {} [{}]".format( field, _type, size, precision, verify, val, type(val))) return val
[docs] def order(self, _ord): """Wrap the order to track state in the class as it can't be queried. :param index: the index ID to order by. :type index: int :rtype: None :raises: ExViewError """ o = self._view.order(_ord) self.log.debug("order({}): {}".format(_ord, o)) if not success(o): raise ExViewInvalidOrder(self.rotoid, _ord, action_return=o) self._order = _ord return o
[docs] def exists(self): """Wrap exists to return True or False and not raise. :returns: True if record in view exists (has been added), else False :rtype: bool """ if self._view.exists(): return True return False
[docs] @notme def compose(self): """Recursively compose this and all related views. Enables this ``ExView`` to self-compose based on the compose information stored in the View. :raises: ExViewComposeError The algorithm for self-composing an ExView is roughly:: for each view in the compose info list: if the view isn't cached: open and cache the view in self._view_cache compose the view (recurse on the child view) compose self with views in compose info list. for each composed view: assign a new property to self pointing to the composed view This results in an object with properties named after the view RotoID. In action, you may: .. code-block:: python try: exv = ExView("OE0520") exv.compose() for line in exv.oe0500.lines(): for optfield in line.oe0501.lines(): # Process the optional field. except ExViewComposeError as e: # Handle a compose failure. except ExViewOpenError as e: # Handle a view open error except ExViewError as e: # handle an error processing the lines. Note that :py:class:`extools.view.ExViewComposeError` and :py:class:`extools.view.ExViewOpenError` are both children of :py:class:`extools.view.ExViewError`, so if you don't care which failure occurred, you can just except the more general ``ExViewError``. For more information and background, see :ref:`Self-composing views`. """ try: # Find the blacklist filtered composed view list self._views = self._composed_views() self.log.debug("composing with views {}".format(self._views)) # Store the views to compose with this one in order. self._cviews = [] # For each of the composed views... for i in range(0, len(self._views)): # The entry may be None or blacklisted. Either way, there is # no view to compose at this index. if self._views[i] and not self._views[i] in EXVIEW_BLACKLIST: # Try to get the view from the class view cache. view, created = self.cached_view(self._views[i]) # If it isn't cached, open and compose it. if created: view.compose() # Add the composed view to the compose list. self._cviews.insert(i, view) else: # The entry was None, propagate to preserve argument order. self._cviews.insert(i, None) # All the views I compose with are composed, compose me! if success(self._view.compose(*self._cviews)): # Assign a new property pointing to the view. for view in self._cviews: if view: setattr(self, view.rotoid.lower(), view) # Re-check the for optional field and detail views. self._check_and_setup_optfield_view() self._check_and_setup_detail_view() self.composed = True except RuntimeError as err: raise ExViewComposeError(self.rotoid, compose_list=self._views, triggering_exc=err)
[docs] def compose_from(self, composed_views): self.log.debug("composing from {}".format(composed_views)) try: # Store the views to compose with this one in order. self._cviews = [] with exview(self.rotoid) as exv: cinfo = exv._composed_views() # For each of the composed views... for i in range(0, len(composed_views)): # The entry may be None or blacklisted. Either way, there is # no view to compose at this index. if composed_views[i] and not composed_views[i] in EXVIEW_BLACKLIST: # Add the composed view to the compose list. exv = ExView(cinfo[i], _root=False, _me=composed_views[i]) self._cviews.insert(i, exv) setattr(self, cinfo[i].lower(), exv) else: # The entry was None, propagate to preserve argument order. self._cviews.insert(i, None) # Re-check the for optional field and detail views. self._check_and_setup_optfield_view() self._check_and_setup_detail_view() self.composed = True except RuntimeError as err: raise ExViewComposeError(self.rotoid, compose_list=self._views, triggering_exc=err)
@notme def _close_all_cached_views(self): """Close all composed views in the _view_cache. :raises: ExViewError """ views = [v for v in self._view_cache.values()] for view in views: if view: if not view._root: self.remove_cached_view(view.rotoid) else: self.remove_cached_view(view.rotoid)
[docs] @notme def close(self): """Close me cleanly, closing all composed views first. :rtype: None :raises: ExViewError """ self.log.debug('closing.') if self._root and len(self._view_cache.values()) > 1: self._close_all_cached_views() c = self._view.close() if not success(c): raise ExViewError(self.rotoid, action='close', action_return=c) if self.rotoid in self._view_cache.keys(): del self._view_cache[self.rotoid]
[docs] def seek_to(self, fetch=True, **kwargs): """Intelligently seek to a specific entry. This seek to implementation accepts an arbitrary set of field value pairs and then seeks to the entry using one of three methods: - If the current View order index is made up of exactly the fields requested, perform a straight put and read. - If the current View has an index made up of exactly the fields requested, temporarily change the index and perform and put a read. - If the current View does not have and index made up of exactly the fields requested, attempt to browse and fetch the record. :param fetch: fetch after seeking? Default to true. :type fetch: bool :param kwargs: (key)=(value) pairs, where the keys must be the same as the current index keys. :type kwargs: dict :rtype: None :raises: ExViewError .. code-block:: python viewid = "OE0500" try: exv = ExView(viewid) # Open Order Details, default view order 0 # Seek to the 7th line of the order with unique key 1024 # The default view order is 0: (ORDUNIQ, LINENUM, ) exv.seek_to(ORDUNIQ=1024, LINENUM=7) # Get details from the record and process or update. item = exv.get("ITEM") ... except ExViewError as e: # The error, "failed to [open|seek]", is contained in the # error message. showMessage("Error doing something with view {}: {}".format( viewid, e)) """ self.log.debug("seeking to {}".format(kwargs)) # If the current index matches the fields, read the record. if set(self.indexes[self._order]) == set(kwargs.keys()): # Try to read the record self.log.debug("key match, reading.") self.recordClear() for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): self.put(key, value) elif self._get_index_for_fields(kwargs.keys()): # If there exists an index with these fields, use it. # Set the order back after reading index = self._get_index_for_fields(kwargs.keys()) self.log.debug("matching index? {}".format(index)) if index is not None: # Try to read the record original_order = self._order try: self.order(index) self.recordClear() for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): self.put(key, value) finally: self.order(original_order) else: # No index exists with these fields, try browsing. self.log.debug("no index match.") criteria = " AND ".join(['{} = "{}"'.format(f, v) for (f, v) in kwargs.items()]) self.recordClear() self.browse(criteria) if fetch and not self.fetch(): raise ExViewRecordDoesNotExist(self.rotoid, "seek_to")
@property def is_optfield_view(self): """Is this an optional field view? :returns: True if this view is an optional field view. :rtype: bool """ if self.optfield_view and self.optfield_view == self: return True return False @property def has_optfield_view(self): """Is this view composed with an optional field view? :returns: True if this view is composed with an optional field view. :rtype: bool """ if self.optfield_view and not self.optfield_view == self: return True return False
[docs] def copy_to(self, view2, force=True, exclude=[], include=[], post_process=[], skip_keys=True, skip_computed=True, save=False): """Copy the current object to view2. :param view2: the view to copy to. :type view2: ExView :param exclude: Fields to exclude from copy. :type exclude: str[] :param include: Fields to include, excluding all others. :type include: str[] :param post_process: run process with these processcmds after copy. :type post_process: int[] :param skip_keys: skip fields with the Key attribute. Default: yes. :type skip_keys: bool :param skip_computed: skip fields with the Key attribute. Default: yes. :type skip_computed: bool :param save: insert the object after copy. Default: no. :type save: bool :raises ExViewError: when any error occurs during the copy. """ v1_fields = self.to_dict() for field in self.field_names: if field in exclude: continue if include and not field in include: continue value = v1_fields[field] index = self._view.fieldByName(field).index attrs = self._view.attribs(index) if attrs & self.ATTR_EDITABLE: if skip_keys and attrs & self.ATTR_KEY: continue if skip_computed and attrs & self.ATTR_COMPUTED: continue view2.put(field, value) for cmd in post_process: if cmd: view2.put("PROCESSCMD", cmd) view2.process() if save: view2.insert() return view2
def __getattr__(self, attr): """Check all unknown attributes against the underlying view. This is where some of the magic is. When a call is made to a property or method that is not explicitly (either static or dynamic) defined in ExView this handler is triggered by the interpreter. Before returning an ``AttributeError``, which is the default behaviour, check to see if the view has the attribute. If so, delegate the call. An example is the ``.handle()`` method, a key one on views. It isn't defined explicitly or dynamically on the ``ExView`` class but if you try calling ``exview.handle`` it will return the host view handle. The call was delegated to the ``_view`` here. """ try: if hasattr(self, "_view"): if hasattr(self._view, attr): return getattr(self._view, attr) elif hasattr(self, "field_names"): if attr.upper() in self.field_names: return self.get(attr.upper()) raise AttributeError("attribute not found.") except Exception as e: self.log.error("failed to getattr {}: {}".format( attr, e), exc_info=True) raise AttributeError( "{} isn't set on self, _view, or a view field.".format(attr)) ''' def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """Set a view field in short-hand. Allows you to do this: .. code-block: python with exview("OE0500", seek_to={"ORDNUMBER": "ORD001"}) as exv: exv.qtyordered = 50 exv.update() """ if attr in self.field_names: self.put(attr, value) else: super().__setattr__(attr, value) ''' def __getitem__(self, attr): """Return the value of the field from the view, if it exists. A shorthand for .get() without params. """ try: return self.get(attr.upper()) except ExViewFieldDoesNotExist: raise KeyError("Field {} does not exist in {}.".format( attr, self.rotoid)) def __setitem__(self, attr, value): """Set a view field in dict access notation. Allows you to do this: .. code-block: python with exview("OE0500", seek_to={"ORDNUMBER": "ORD001"}) as exv: exv['qtyordered'] = 50 exv.update() """ if attr.upper() not in self.field_names: raise KeyError("Field {} does not exist in {}.".format( attr, self.rotoid)) self.put(attr.upper(), value)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return all the fields in a view as a dictionary. Useful for caching full rows for later use. """ return { k: self._view.get(k) for k in self.field_names if self.fields[k].desc not in FIELD_DESC_BLACKLIST }
def __str__(self): return "ExView({})".format(self.rotoid)