Source code for extools.ui.optfield_column

    from accpac import UI, UIGridColumn, Finder, showMessageBox
    from extools.view import exview
    from extools.view.errors import ExViewRecordDoesNotExist
except ImportError as e:
    UI = object

[docs]class OptfieldColumnUI(UI): """Optfield Column UI adds a column populated with a optional field value. :param caption: Column caption. :type caption: str :param optional_field: the name of the data source field. :type optional_field: str :param optf_datasource: Optional field datasource name. :type optf_datasource: str :param grid_control_name: Name of the grid control to add a column to. :type grid_control_name: str :param hijack: Existing grid column to hijack. :type hijack: str :param default: Default value for the field. :type default: object :param editable: Allow field to be edited? :type editable: bool To use the OptfieldColumn UI, create a new Screen script that initializes an instance of the class, customizing it with the arguments. Below is an example of adding a column, *Warranty*, to the O/E Order Entry grid, that is populated with the WARRANTY optional field for the line. .. code-block:: python # OE1100 from accpac import * from extools.ui.optfield_column import OptfieldColumnUI CAPTION = "Warranty" OPTFIELD = "WARRANTY" OPTF_DATASOURCE = "dsOEORDDO" GRID_CONTROL = "avlOEORDDdetail1" HIJACK_COLUMN = "ITEM" def main(*args, **kwargs): OptfieldColumnUI(CAPTION, OPTFIELD, OPTF_DATASOURCE, GRID_CONTROL, HIJACK, default="", editable=True) """ def __init__(self, caption, optional_field, optf_datasource, grid_control_name, hijack="ITEM", default="", editable=False): UI.__init__(self) self.caption = caption self.optional_field = optional_field self.default = default self.editable = editable self.dsoptf = self.openDataSource(optf_datasource) self.grid_control_name = grid_control_name self.hijack = hijack self.createScreen() def optional_field_is_validated(self): with exview("CS0011", seek_to={ "OPTFIELD": self.optional_field}) as optf: if int(optf.validate): return True return False def on_grid_finder(self, field_name, caption): if caption == self.caption: finder = Finder() finder.viewID = "CS0012" finder.displayFields = "2" finder.returnFields = "2" finder.filter = 'OPTFIELD="{}"'.format(self.optional_field) finder.onOK = self.finder_ok finder.onCancel = self.finder_cancel def finder_ok(self, e): self.grid.endEdit(e) def finder_cancel(self): self.grid.preventFinder() def is_valid(self, value): try: with exview("CS0012", seek_to={ "OPTFIELD": self.optional_field, "VALUE": value, }) as exv: return True except ExViewRecordDoesNotExist: pass return False def createScreen(self): grid = self.getHostControl(self.grid_control_name) self.grid = grid col = UIGridColumn() col.caption = self.caption col.hasFinder = False if self.optional_field_is_validated(): col.hasFinder = True col.isEditable = self.editable grid.addColumn(col, self.hijack) grid.setOnGetText(self.onGridGetText) grid.setOnBeginEdit(self.onGridBeginEdit) grid.setOnAfterEdit(self.onGridAfterEdit) if self.optional_field_is_validated(): grid.setOnFinder(self.on_grid_finder) grid.refreshData() def onGridGetText(self, e): if e.caption == self.caption: self.dsoptf.put("OPTFIELD", self.optional_field) r = if r != 0: e.value = self.default else: e.value = self.dsoptf.get("VALUE") def onGridBeginEdit(self, e): if e.caption == self.caption: e.datatype = "TEXT" e.width = 60 self.onGridGetText(e) def onGridAfterEdit(self, e): if e.caption == self.caption: if self.optional_field_is_validated(): if not self.is_valid(e.value): showMessageBox("{} is not a valid choice for {}.".format( e.value, e.caption)) e.value = "" return self.set_optional_field_to(e.value) def set_optional_field_to(self, value): self.dsoptf.put("OPTFIELD", self.optional_field) r = if r != 0: self.dsoptf.dsrecordgenerate() self.dsoptf.dsput("OPTFIELD", self.optional_field) self.dsoptf.dsput("VALUE", value) self.dsoptf.dsinsert() else: self.dsoptf.dsput("VALUE", value) self.dsoptf.dsupdate()