Source code for extools.ui.callback_column

    from accpac import UI, UIGridColumn
except ImportError as e:
    UI = object

from extools.message import logger_for_module

[docs]class CallbackColumnUI(UI): """Callback Column UI adds a column to a grid populated with a callback. :param ds: Data source name. :type ds: str :param grid_control_name: Name of the grid control to add a column to. :type grid_control_name: str :param fields: a list of dictionaries containing the field definitions. :type fields: [{'caption': str, 'hijack': str, 'callback': function}, ...] To use the CallbackColumn UI, create a new Screen script that instantiates an instance of the class, customizing it with the arguments. Below is an example of adding a column, *Qty in Ea.* to the O/E Order Entry grid, that is populated with the quantity ordered in eaches, regardless of the line's Unit of Measure. .. code-block:: python # OE1100 from accpac import * from extools.ui.callback_column import CallbackColumnUI DATASOURCE = "adsOEORDD" GRID_CONTROL = "avlOEORDDdetail1" def quantity_in_eaches_callback(event, datasource): qty = datasource.get("QTYORDERED") if qty: return qty * datasource.get("UNITCONV") return 0 fields = [{ 'caption': "Qty in Ea.", 'hijack': 'ITEM', 'callback': quantity_in_eaches_callback },] def main(*args, **kwargs): CallbackColumnUI(DATASOURCE, GRID_CONTROL, fields) """ def __init__(self, ds, grid_control_name, fields): UI.__init__(self) self.log = logger_for_module('extools.ui', key='callback_column') self.ds = self.openDataSource(ds) self.grid_control_name = grid_control_name self.fields = fields self.callbacks_by_caption = {} self.log.debug("starting callback column ui: {}, {}, {}".format( ds, grid_control_name, fields)) self.createScreen() def createScreen(self): grid = self.getHostControl(self.grid_control_name) self.grid = grid for field in self.fields: col = UIGridColumn() col.caption = field['caption'] col.hasFinder = False col.isEditable = False grid.addColumn(col, field['hijack']) grid.setOnGetText(self.onGridGetText) self.callbacks_by_caption[field['caption']] = field['callback'] self.log.debug("added column {} [{}]".format( col.caption, field['hijack'])) grid.refreshData() def onGridGetText(self, e): if e.caption in self.callbacks_by_caption: e = self.callbacks_by_caption[e.caption](e, self.ds)